People who'd like to get into birdwatching have a chance to hear from experts in September.The Kellogg Bird Sanctuary near Gull Lake will offer its 13th…
A new project could help reverse a sharp drop in the number of birds in southwest Michigan.The Southwest Michigan Land Conservancy won a $20,000 grant…
Anyone who has a hummingbird feeder – or the right kind of flowers - in their yard has probably wondered at the tiny birds they attract. But two…
The battle to protect two bird species in Michigan continues. The Michigan Songbird Protection Coalition is fighting proposals by the Michigan United…
According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, bird watching is one of the fastest growing hobbies in the United States, second only to gardening. In…
(MPRN-Lansing) A strain of bird flu that has devastated poultry farms across the Midwest has reached Michigan. The Michigan Department of Natural…
While the population of the bald eagle in Michigan is stable researchers are concerned about what they're finding in the birds. Environmental Health News…