Michelle Miller-Adams says she and her colleagues at the Upjohn Institute for Employment Research launched The Promise Database to show how the design of…
Kalamazoo College President Wilson-Oyelaran says her retirement comes at a time when liberal arts colleges are facing greater scrutiny. She says that’s…
Upjohn Institute for Employment Research Economist Tim Bartik says the Kalamazoo Promise has provided a natural experiment of how scholarship programs…
College graduates earn more on average over their lifetimes than people without a degree. But Bridge, the online news service of the Center for Michigan,…
The Executive Editor of the Pew Charitable Trusts’ Stateline Project says while there may be gridlock in Washington, at the state level, there is a lot of…
Getting to college means getting through the admission process, and finding the money to pay for it. That can be complicated for everyone, more so for a…
The Center for Michigan found that people around the state want more career counseling and college advising. They also would like more ways for students…
Kalamazoo College President Eileen Wilson-Oyelaran says the past few weeks at the college have "quite tumultuous." She says threats that included hate…