That childhood trauma can compromise mental health is not new, but it altering the brain is, says Jennifer Nottingham, associate director of community…
The parent should be their child’s “first and most important teacher.” That’s the idea behind the Parents as Teachers program. Last year the Learning…
The nation's largest increase in preschool funding over the last two years has taken place in Michigan. Bridge, the online news service of the Center for…
There's "pocket book," "hot button" and social issues. Then there's the "Sandbox Party." The group is trying to highlight issues related to children…
Michigan's education budget for the next fiscal year includes a major increase in funding for state-funded pre-school. Bridge Magazine reports that the…
The issue of high-quality pre-school education has been getting much attention at the state and national level in the last few weeks. It was also the…
Governor Snyder has proposed investing $130-million in early childhood education over the next two years. Upjohn Institute Economist Tim Bartik has…