Note: Today, WestSouthwest replays two interviews related to education that aired in 2018. This interview originally aired May 24. Thanks to a new…
Judge Vagn Joensen says there are many factors that complicate bringing the people responsible for war crimes to justice. But the man who presided over…
The judge who presided over the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwandan genocide says international courts do not create peace and…
Did you know Michigan schools must teach about genocide? A law passed in 2016 requires it. And that's a good thing, says Corey Harbaugh, an Allegan…
(MPRN-Lansing) Music, speeches, prayers and a candle-lighting ceremony that included 39 Jewish survivors were part of Michigan’s official commemoration of…
70 years after the Nuremberg Trials are war crimes tribunals still the best response to genocide and war time atrocities? Kalamazoo College is presenting…
An International War Crimes Tribunal was formed in 1993 to try those responsible for genocide in the former Yugoslavia. A Georgia State University…