It’s easy to find someone interested in vinyl records or antique furniture. Now the new retro trend seems to be collecting typewriters. On Saturday at…
The honey bee in the United States is suffering stress from pesticides, mites and what is termed Colony Collapse Disorder. Adding to that stress was this…
A Kalamazoo club meets at the 12th Street Baptist church in Kalamazoo to follow their passion of collecting old money.The Kalamazoo Numismatic Club was…
The St. Valentine’s Day Massacre in Kalamazoo is a public event put on by the Society for Creative Anachronism—an international group that tries to…
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyd5hKR3IHIOn Saturday, the Kalamazoo Husky Club will host sled dog rides to benefit local animal shelters. The event will…
On Saturday, Keith Nelson of Southside Dojo will give an interactive demonstration of ancient weapons and fighting styles at the Kalamazoo Public Library.…
This month, Ethy Denardo is hosting a workshop on Temari, or decorated Japanese thread balls, at Comstock Public Library.“They say that hundreds of years…
“We think everybody should be able to be active, whether they’re athletically inclined or not. Cause when you’re having fun, you jump at it,” says Donald…
The city of Kalamazoo has become a hotbed for community gardens, with over 35 on record. Neighbors look to gardening for outdoor entertainment and…
The Open Roads Bike Program teaches kids how to work on their bikes. Through a Kalamazoo Community Foundation workshop, Ethan Alexander created the…