MiBiz finds that the craft beverage industry is growing up, but that’s causing some growing pains.The state of the craft beer business is examined in a…
The craft beer industry continues to grow and the end doesn’t appear to be in sight. MiBiz recently examined the state of the industry in West Michigan in…
Economic developers see an opportunity to take advantage of future high speed rail service in Southwest Michigan. MiBiz staff writer Nick Manes recently…
Perrigo remains a major producer of over the counter pharmaceuticals, and much of its operations will still be in Allegan after its shareholders rejected…
Some “big box” retailers are using something called the “dark store” theory in an effort to win appeals of property tax assessments from local units of…
MiBiz Senior Writer Mark Sanchez says moves and counter moves in an effort to take over Perrigo are likely to continue over the summer. So far Perrigo has…