(MPRN-Lansing) The Legislature has sent Governor Rick Snyder the new state budget, including a provision that attempts to cut funding to Planned…
(MPRN-Lansing) Governor Rick Snyder’s budget chief says plans are underway to fund improved school safety. Budget Director John Walsh said the governor…
(MPRN-Lansing) Bills to get rid of the state’s driver responsibility fees and increase the personal income tax exemption are on their way to the…
(MPRN-Lansing) Public universities might risk losing a portion of their state funding for failing to meet benchmarks to prevent campus sexual misconduct.…
(MPRN-Lansing) Governor Rick Snyder gave his final budget proposal Wednesday, to mixed reviews. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle found things they did…
(MPRN-Lansing) Governor Rick Snyder declared victory over the state’s economic hardships Tuesday night in his eighth and final State of the State address.…
Citizens Research Council of Michigan President Eric Lupher says there’s always a strong constituency for cutting taxes, and for spending more on services…
(MPRN-Lansing) A downturn in the economy would quickly drain the state’s “rainy day” savings. That’s the determination of an independent analysis.…
(MPRN-Lansing) The state House voted Thursday night to get rid of Michigan’s Driver Responsibility Fee, but the bills could hit a roadblock in the state…
(MPRN-Lansing) State lawmakers have hit a roadblock when it comes to forgiving unpaid Driver Responsibility Fees. The House and Senate have legislation to…