Family-friendly summer events that were cancelled last year are back on as Michigan’s pandemic restrictions ease.A new event “slithered” out last weekend…
Like many people, Bill Maxey has been seeing more wildlife during the shutdown.“Long retired” from the Upjohn Company, Maxey lives near Comstock Creek…
Professor Nick Haddad says the rarest butterflies should be saved, because “People just should not be the cause of extinction.” Haddad, who is also senior…
Professor Nick Haddad says some butterflies and insects are declining at an alarming rate. Haddad, who is also senior terrestrial ecologist at the W.K.…
The Kalamazoo Nature Center is pushing to diversify its programs. That effort including a public presentation by a Michigan professor who’s studied the…
The director of the Michigan Butterfly Network says that butterflies can be an indicator of the overall health of an ecosystem. Ashley Wick says that’s…
While the population of the bald eagle in Michigan is stable researchers are concerned about what they're finding in the birds. Environmental Health News…
There are so many sounds that we tune out every day. It could be car traffic, the TV in the other room, the hum of a light bulb.But an educational hike…
Writer Tiffany Fitzgerald examined some of the work being done by "citizen scientists" in Southwest Michigan. Her story was published in the February…
When a seed falls from a tree, what are the odds that it will take root and then grow for 300 years or more? Norm Bober in Van Buren County increases the…