Tensions are showing between the Kalamazoo County Board and Treasurer Thomas Whitener. He was expected to update the board yesterday on problems his department has faced, such as staffing shortages and glitchy software.
But Whitener did not come to the meeting. Board Chair John Taylor says it’s critical the county’s books are in order as its annual audit begins.
"If we have any material breaches or material comments on that, that would be something that would affect our credit rating and have lots of zeroes after it with implications," Taylor said.
County Administrator Kevin Catlin says he is working closely with accountants to get the books completed.
Recently it appeared as though Whitener had assuaged at least some of the Board's concerns. But not keeping his appointment Tuesday may have taken things backward.
After a lengthy closed session, Commissioner Jen Strebs motioned for the board to require a full report at its next meeting, "to provide an accurate written official report under oath regarding the county’s fourth quarter 2022 investment report and statements of accounts."