A longtime effort to bring a public defender's office to Kalamazoo County has succeeded. The nonprofit entity called Kalamazoo Defender opened for…
On July 1st, things began looking up for Kalamazoo County residents who can't afford an attorney. Now, defendants can turn to a central office of 22…
(MPRN-Lansing) The Michigan Supreme court will decide whether fees imposed on defendants by judges are taxes in disguise. Shawn Cameron Junior is fighting…
Attorneys married to members of the military may find it easier to get work in Michigan. The state House passed a pair of bills to admit military spouses…
(MPRN-Lansing) The Michigan Supreme Court says the music streaming service Pandora does not violate the state’s privacy law by collecting and sharing…
(MPRN-Cincinnati) A homeowner in Howell has to pay the city for cutting the grass in the public right of way in front of his house. That’s the decision…
(MPRN-Lansing) Attorneys specializing in marijuana law now have their own division within the State Bar of Michigan. The state Supreme Court and the…