The Learning Network of Greater Kalamazoo finds gaps in education in its baseline report on Kalamazoo County.
The network’s director Amy Slancik says the education profile shows areas that need attention. She says that includes early childhood education and college and career preparedness.
Two programs are focused on college and careers. Career Cruising is designed for 6th through 12th graders. The Early Middle College Coordinator for Education for Employment in Kalamazoo County Lisa Bartel says the online tool is a “one stop shop” for career development.
The Learning Network is also launching a “summer melt” program to make sure students planning on attending college get there. Slancik says every year there are students who have been accepted and plan to go on to college, but never make it to their post-secondary school.
Slancik says high school counselors helped develop the intervention program. Students considered at-risk of “melting” before getting to college are lower-income and those who represent the first generation in their family to go to college. Slancik says those students often aren’t prepared for all of the steps needed to attend college.