Set in the civil rights era, “North Star” by Gloria Bond Clunie tells the story of a girl named Relia who is old enough to understand injustice and who seeks to correct it. Directed by Khadijah Brown, it opens Apr 19 at the Joliffe Theatre in the Epic Center and runs through Apr 27.
Face Off Theatre Company co-founder Marissa Harrington and cast members Rhonda Coleman Collins (Relia's grandma) and Tim Baker (Relia's father) join Cara Lieurance to talk about the play's story and themes. Coleman Collins contributes her own experience of being denied entrance to an All-White Elementary School as a child. Baker's character in the play is engaged in civil disobedience and has to reconcile his responsibility as a father with the need to bring about positive change for his community.
Face Off Theatre will offer additional materials and an audience Q&A for each event. More information is available at the Face Off Theatre website.