Kalamazoo County Sheriff Rick Fuller says despite the coronavirus crisis, society is still functioning.
He says many brave people are risking their health to keep the supplies heading to grocery stories. That's while police keep streets safe and health care workers are working long hours to deal with the pandemic. He says panic buying and hoarding needs to stop.
"We have highways filled with trucks right now delivering food, toilet paper, and bottled water to stores. Bread: if it's not on the shelf right now, it's coming. Toilet paper: not on the shelf? It's coming."
Fuller says the kids may not be going to school, events have been canceled, and life has been altered. But he says most people know that it's temporary and are coping just fine.
"A local casino that chose to self-close to help care of their community posted something the other day and I liked it, so I use it. All it says is, 'Stay well. Stay healthy. And stay positive.'"
Fuller says while life may not be the same for a while, it will go on. He spoke to Kalamazoo County commissioners on Tuesday, March 17.